Nature is my happiness, as long as I’m alive to appreciate it the passion will not fade. It’s a part of me that I couldn’t be without
— Brooke Haycock

I am a young wildlife photographer based in East Sussex in the UK.

I’ve always been interested in nature from a young age and at eleven years old I received my first small pocket camera.  From that moment I was hooked by capturing rare moments of wildlife and being absorbed by the beauty of nature.

Being in and around wildlife is always when I’m at my happiest…

Whenever I have free time on the weekends and holidays I spend hours in the local woods and fields aiming to perfect a photo in mind or to find new corners where wildlife could be hiding. Fieldcraft definitely plays a big part in wildlife photography as that’s how you find the animals and birds to then hopefully improve on the shots.

Spending time with the subject which you are photographing is key as the more you learn about their behaviour the more likely you are to be rewarded with magical moments.

My aim is for my hobby to become my career.

my contribution

I love working with people, charities and companies to spread awareness of our natural world. With my photography and experiences I have a few stories to tell and images to show for them. I believe collaboration is a key ingredient for learning and moving forward in all ways…

Through the lens with Brooke Haycock

Through the lens with Brooke Haycock

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by the Sussex wildlife trust about my photography and memorable moments i’ve experienced locally.

click here to read

Awards Brooke Haycock has won

2021 Runner up- RSPCA photography awards 12-15yrs.

2022 highly commended- RSPCA photography awards 12-15yrs.

2022 Overall Winner- CRT photography competition.